The Golden retriever always gets in the top ten ranking in USA. They are very intelligent and beautiful. Also they are very active and they take more years to mature as they like being silly and playful. Up-to four years they seem to play like a puppy. As the breed is set in for hunting waterfowl and ducks, they need a regular exercise such as walking or running. They love to roam in the yard and run in the beach.
They love to be always with his master and so it will be inside the home. They can be involved in doing regular home activities. Their characteristic is not to be a watchdog, as it barks when a stranger comes and after that they love to make friendship with him. They don't like to spend time alone and hence love to make new friends. When you think of buying a golden retriever puppy you should check whether the breeder is a reputable breeder. They must be well trained for a good result. When bringing it to many different areas they will gain more knowledge and intelligence. The nails can be trimmed at a regular interval which will be good for the foot of your dog.

The Golden retriever originated in 1800s at Scotland by a British aristocrat. The British lords in the Scotland were very much interested in hunting. For hunting purposes they needed an excellent hunting dog. As the result Golden retriever originated as a brave and beautiful dog.

They love so much to play and spend time with children.
The Golden retriever has a good energy which helps them to be a great hunting dog.
They have a high sensitivity level and will enjoy moderate weather. They don't like apartment life as they love to roam freely and explore new areas.They also have a high intelligence and so learns tricks very quickly. They love to hold something in mouth and run.
Information obtained from mydogbreeds.com